Join the lab

Get to know us! Presentation of LÉPSIS to future members

Presentation of LÉPSIS to future members

Are you interested in joining LÉPSIS as a bachelor student, postdoctoral student ? Here is information on what you can expect from the Director and the team and what our expectations are in return.

Team dynamics

The LÉPSIS is a lab where several research projects take place simultaneously and teamwork is the driving force behind everything. You will therefore have the opportunity to have a diversified research experience by collaborating on studies different from the one that will be at the center of your own research project. This is why attendance at weekly meetings is of paramount importance. They include an average of ten people at all levels: baccalaureate students and assistants, doctoral students, postdocs and coordinators, research coordinators. An update on the progress of the tasks is then shared with the group, which allows all members of the lab to learn about the progress of other projects and, possibly, to start participating in them. Meetings in small groups can take place during the week for specific tasks or projects. We encourage lab members to express their interest in the proposed tasks during the weekly lab meetings. It is understood that all members of the laboratory, even the director, are in constant learning. It is expected that some of the tasks will be new to you. You are encouraged to ask for help from other team members as needed. The laboratory coordinator is your first point of contact when you have questions and you don’t know who to ask; this person will be able to guide you.

The director

Professor Véronneau is present at the weekly team meetings to which all members of the laboratory are invited. In this way, you will be able to ask him questions during these meetings or even schedule an individual meeting if necessary. For individual meetings, it is a good idea to schedule them in advance, because it is not uncommon for Professor Véronneau’s schedule to be filled up to two weeks in advance. For members of the lab in honors thesis, doctorate or postdoctorate, Professor Véronneau is committed to a quick offer at all stages of project development. It is ideal to agree on a schedule of handovers and meetings over several months, as this helps to support constant progress and to have contacts throughout the process.


A research laboratory is a place of learning. Not only does our research allow us to discover how human psychology works, but all members also learn day-to-day by learning new tasks and new work tools. Each year, several new people join the laboratory. The director makes sure to have regular contact with all the members of the laboratory during their career to guide them in carrying out their project and more broadly, to guide them in their university career (e.g. advice on progress in the program , scholarship applications, doctoral applications). However, given the large size of the lab, it is essential that much of the mentoring does not benefit members through interactions with senior or more advanced members. This distribution of mentoring activities across the team allows access to a richer and more accessible mentoring than if it relied solely on the director.

The publications

Students who choose to do their doctoral research under the supervision of Professor Véronneau undertake to publish the results obtained in their essay (Psy. D.) or thesis (Ph. D. or double profile) in the form of a scientific article(s) in peer-reviewed journals. It is not uncommon for the publication process to continue beyond graduation and students must commit to continuing the process to completion. In the same vein, articles must be written and submitted before the start of clinical rotations for students in the Psy program. D. or double profile.

Financial and material support

(Future) doctoral students whose program leads to the writing of a thesis (and not a doctoral essay) can apply for research grants from granting agencies such as the Fonds de recherche du Québec – société et culture (FRQSC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) or others. It is possible to obtain such scholarships from the first semester of doctoral studies by submitting your file to the competition the previous fall (these applications must be prepared in advance!). These scholarships are generally sufficient to allow you to devote yourself full-time to your studies, without having to work outside. For doctoral students who do not benefit from it, UQAM offers a universal support grant, the payment of which is spread over the first three years of their training. Smaller scholarships from UQAM or other organizations are available. Professor Véronneau encourages and supports students in the process of preparing scholarship applications, but it is essential to discuss this as soon as possible (e.g. at least one year before the planned entry into force of the scholarships of the FRQSC and SSHRC). Students can also work a certain number of hours per week for the laboratory as research assistants (generally 8 to 15 hours for students who do not benefit from scholarships and less for those and those who have).

Students, postdocs (and sometimes assistants) in the laboratory are encouraged to present their research results at scientific conferences. Some funds may be available to pay for registration and travel costs. Interested persons are invited to discuss this with Professor Véronneau when planning the submission of a paper for a conference.

In addition, the laboratory offers on-site several computer workstations in office spaces shared by the members of the laboratory. We also have spaces available for students who wish to work in the lab on their own laptop. Wireless connection to the UQAM internet network is available. When conditions permit, work on site in the laboratory is encouraged and the presence of doctoral students, postdocs and the coordinator is requested at least three days a week. Informal exchanges are very valuable for bonding, especially at dinner time; also the members of the laboratory have at their disposal a fridge, a microwave and a space to sit down and eat together.


The soul of LÉPSIS comes in the dynamic that is created between the members. People who are ready to make their commitment to the laboratory a priority in their lives, to work in a large team, to ask questions, to surpass themselves, to make mistakes sometimes and to learn a lot will live an enriching experience at LÉPSIS.

Candidates for the doctoral program

For fall 2023:

Important message

Strict new rules have been adopted by the departmental assembly regarding the admission of doctoral candidates in the fall of 2023.

Here are the highlights:

A limited number of doctoral places have been distributed across the different sections.
Each section must distribute these places through its laboratories.
In the “psychology in education” section, professors who have formally requested to host at least one doctoral student in 2023 and who have not hosted one in 2022 have priority to host a new person to the doctorate in 2023.
A waiting list will be created to allow the reception of a greater number of doctoral students within the section if additional places become available.

In fall 2023, 1 place available, whatever the profile (clinical, research or dual profile), under the supervision of Professor Véronneau


Detailed profile descriptions are available here:

Conditions of admission:

In addition to the official conditions set out by the Registrar and the Department of Psychology, the person chosen must be able to carry out a rigorous research project (thesis or doctoral essay) based on quantitative analyses, the results of which will be submitted for publication in the form scientific article before the first submission of the thesis or doctoral essay.

Express your interest:

Candidates are invited to send their most recent transcript, their CV and the contact details of their references to the laboratory director, The subject of the email should be: PhD Application. Candidates must state in the text of the email, in a few lines, their main research interests in relation to the themes studied at LÉPSIS.

Professor Véronneau receives a lot of emails and cannot respond to all the messages received. It is allowed to make an official request for admission by following the procedure below even if you have not received a direct response to your email.

Submission of the application for admission:

Candidates must complete the submission of their file by following the official procedure of UQAM.

Important note: The responsibility for being adequately informed of the process to be followed for the admission application lies with the candidates and not with the professors. Information is available from the university:

Candidates for the honors thesis

For fall 2024:

1 seat filled.

The honors thesis student will be co-supervised by Professor Véronneau and one of her doctoral or postdoctoral students.

It is possible at any time to indicate your interest by email.

Information on possible research topics is presented in particular on the page for connecting professors and students.

Conditions of admission:

The minimum conditions for registering for an honors thesis must be met, i.e. an overall average of 3.5/4.3 and 60 course credits completed before registration in the fall.

To apply for admission:

Candidates are invited to send their most recent transcript, their CV and the contact details of their references to the laboratory director, The subject of the email should be: Honors thesis application.

Candidates for the observation workshop (undergraduate course in psychology)

There will be at least one place available every year (with some exceptions, eg sabbatical leave for the laboratory director).

Fall 2024

No seats available.

Express your interest:

Students interested in doing this workshop in our laboratory must register for PSY4905 during their 2nd or 3rd year of a bachelor’s degree in psychology. The assignment to the different laboratories of the section is done during the first session of the course. Even if registration for the workshop must be done in the fall semester, most students choose to complete this course over two semesters (fall and winter) to have a better overview of all activities. performed in the lab over a year. It may happen that places for the workshop open up during the summer before registration.

Undergraduate research assistants, paid

The recruitment of assistants generally takes place at the beginning of the winter semester;  openings are announced here and on the LÉPSIS Facebook site (

2nd or 3rd cycle research intern, postdoctoral students

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow who wishes to join the team for one year, with the possibility of extension subject to obtaining an external grant. Our research focuses primarily on educational success, social experiences, and mental health among adolescents and young adults. The person chosen will have access to a professional network in the Department of Psychology and through our affiliations with the Center for Research in Human Development as well as with numerous centers and groups: Neuroqam, Institute of Health and Society, Research Chair on Differences in gender at school, Observatory of vocational training.