Info for General Public

We invite you to watch the videos produced by the members of our lab in the “video” section, under the “for the community” tab of this website.  A wide range of interesting information related to the laboratory’s research topics and current events await you.

New poster on social media and peer relationships in adolescence

This poster was developed to present a review of recently published literature on teenage relationships through social media.

Here is a popularized version of the main conclusions of the article written by Marie-Hélène Véronneau and Rebecca Schwartz-Mette (2021), accessible here.

Poster summarizing the results of a recent publication on academic motivation profiles among high school students

In order to share with our participants some of the research results obtained through their collaboration, we have created this poster that summarizes the main points of a recently published study.

We present here this poster for people from the general public who might be interested in this mainstream version of the main results presented in the article by Petit, Véronneau and Mathys (2022), available here.

Flyer presenting the first results of the Emotional Competence in Vocational Training study

The LÉPSIS team is finally ready to present the first results of its study “Emotional Competence in Vocational Training”. These results are presented to you in the form of a video, accompanied by the following  flyer CEFP down below, summarizing the main points.

Flyer CEFP

If you work in a vocational training center and would like to receive free flyers to distribute in your environment, please send us a request by completing this order form.

This project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Quebec Research Funds, Health and Society and Culture components.

*** The flyer is available in French only

Article on the Influence of Teacher-Student Relationship on School Motivation

LEPSIS team published an article on the website of the Réseau d’Information pour la Réussite Éducative (RIRE) that explores the influence of the relationship between teachers and their students on adolescents’ school motivation.

*** The article is available in French only

Lien vers l’article

Article on Parental Monitoring and its Influence on Teenagers' School Motivation

LEPSIS team published an article on the website of the Réseau d’Information pour la Réussite Éducative (RIRE) that explores, among others, the influence of parental monitoring on adolescents’ school motivation.

*** The article is available in French only

Link to the article

Handout Reporting the Results of a Study on Adolescents' Mental Health and School Adjustment

Marie-Hélène Véronneau and her research team has conducted a study “La santé mentale de l’adolescence à l’âge adulte : Étude des déterminants sociaux en contexte scolaire” in two high schools located in the suburbs of Montreal. This study was supported by research grant of the FRQS and the FRQSC.

Click here to have access to the main results of this study

*** Available in French only