Press Review

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Marie-Hélène Véronneau, director of Lépsis, becomes holder of the UQAM Strategic Chair on the promotion of well-being during school and post-school transitions, which will see the light of day from January 2024. This chair will facilitate collaborations between researchers in various fields (psychology, education, management and other disciplines) to better understand the factors that facilitate successful transitions. This group will also aim to mobilize knowledge for better use of research findings in school settings.

Link to the article (french only)

With the new legislation on working hours for students aged 14 to 16, Marie-Hélène Véronneau participated in television and radio interview to help us better understand what this change means for our youth.

13/09/2023 : Interview with Brian Southwell for WNCU’s radio program « The Measure of Everyday Life »

12/09/2023 : Interview with Shawn Apel for CBC Listen’s radio « Radio Noon Quebec »

31/08/2023 : TV interview with Sudha Krishnan with CBC Montreal News

30/08/2023 : Interview with Sabrina Marandola for CBC Montreal’s « Let’s Go »  radio show 


In this interview with Ici Radio-Canada, Marie-Hélène Véronneau talks about parent-child exchanges on school motivation.

Link to the interview (french only)


In this article published in the Journal de Montréal, Marie-Hélène Véronneau informs us about the best criteria’s allowing balance between studies and work for teenagers.

Link to article


Actualité UQAM presents the news that Marie-Hélène Véronneau received the Early Career Preventionist Network (ECPN) Committee Service Award, presented to her at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research in Seattle, USA, on June 2 last.

Link to the article


In its special section “Higher education”, the daily newspaper Le Devoir talks about the results of our study, published a few weeks ago, by highlighting the angle of gender socialization and how it could influence educational perseverance for boys and girls in different ways.

Link to the article


Actualité UQAM presents the results of a longitudinal study published by Marie-Hélène Véronneau and her collaborators, in the prestigious journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Link to the article


Available in English: Marie-Hélène Véronneau gave an interview to journalist Martine Rioux, from the website:, on school persistence.

Link to the article


UQAM highlights Marie-Hélène Véronneau’s mobilization to help people get through the isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic through her video clips.

Link to the article


Early career preventionists in North America: Who are they and what do they hope for?
Blog of the Early Careers Forum of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR)

Link to the article


A teen’s friends are a powerful influence.
Los Angeles Times

Link to the article


Actualité UQAM presents the news that Marie-Hélène Véronneau received the Early Career Preventionist Network (ECPN) Committee Service Award, presented to her at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research in Seattle, USA, on June 2 last.

Link to the article


In its special section “Higher education”, the daily newspaper Le Devoir talks about the results of our study, published a few weeks ago, by highlighting the angle of gender socialization and how it could influence educational perseverance for boys and girls in different ways.

Link to the article


Actualité UQAM presents the results of a longitudinal study published by Marie-Hélène Véronneau and her collaborators, in the prestigious journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Link to the article


Available in English: Marie-Hélène Véronneau gave an interview to journalist Martine Rioux, from the website:, on school persistence.

Link to the article


UQAM highlights Marie-Hélène Véronneau’s mobilization to help people get through the isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic through her video clips.

Link to the article


Early career preventionists in North America: Who are they and what do they hope for?
Blog of the Early Careers Forum of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR)

Link to the article


A teen’s friends are a powerful influence.
Los Angeles Times

Link to the article