Photo Album

Presentations by Catherine Cimon-Paquet and Laetitia Gendron at the Life History Research Society 2024 conference.

Presentation by Yovanna Chacon Valdez at the SQRP 2024 conference.

Éliane Proulx’s poster presentation at the SQRP 2024 convention.

Shanyce Alyssa Joseph’s study of vocational students’ requests for help at the SQRP 2024 convention.

The Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP) has awarded the TQMP prize to Eva Lefebvre for the 2024 edition! This award is given to highlight the excellence of research work carried out by students in the field of quantitative methods.

Presentations by Catherine Cimon-Paquet at the 91st Acfas conference, where she presented her third thesis article, as well as several issues related to open access that the next generation of scientists is facing.

Presentation by Camille Jutras Dupont and Shanyce Alyssa Joseph at the 91st Acfas congress, as part of the “Parcours et apprentissages d’élèves en formation professionnelle” symposium, organized by CÉRTA (Centre d’études et de recherches sur les transitions et l’apprentissage).

A project by Camille Jutras Dupont that highlights the importance of academic motivation in non-traditional training schemes.

Laser tag outing to celebrate the end of the 2024 winter session!

Presentation by Shanyce Alyssa Joseph at Concordia’s CRDH (Centre de recherche en développement humain) Scientific Day.

Laetitia Gendron’s poster presentation for the Human Stress Research Chairs Scientific Day

Evelyne Montminy and Laetitia Gendron each presented a poster at the Association Québécoise des Psychologues Scolaires (AQPS) convention. Evelyne also won the prize for best poster!

LÉPSIS presents its laboratory members for 2023-2024

· Director : Marie-Hélène Véronneau
· Coordination : Eva Lefebvre, Laetitia Gendron et Evelyne Montminy
· Postdoctorate : Ibtissem Ben Alaya
· Doctorate : Yovanna Chacon, Catherine Cimon-Paquet, Evelyne Gauthier, Laetitia Gendron et Evelyne Montminy
· Honour thesis : Éliane Proulx
· Observation workshop : Luciana Marra Gomes, Florence Bissonnette et Samuel L.-Paradis
· Research support : Laurence Trudeau, Andrea Villaburu, Catherine Plante Gonthier, Anna Fortugno, Charlotte Fournier et Shanyce Alyssa Joseph
· Research intern : Camille Jutras-Dupont

William Gilbert’s presentation at SSEA 2023 in San Diego

Marie-Hélène Véronneau, Camille Jutras Dupont, Eva Lefebvre, Catherine Plante Gonthier and Evelyne Montminy at the SQRP 2023 annual conference

Saturday night banquet at SQRP 2023

Evelyne Montminy, Marie-Hélène Véronneau and the Emotional Competence team at the Emotions and Stressful Events: Perspectives from Children, Adolescents and Young Adults symposium at SQRP 2023.

Poster presentation by Catherine Plante Gonthier and Camille Jutras Dupont at SQRP 2023

Presentation of Laetitia Gendron’s poster at the CRDH 2023 annual conference

Presentation of Laurence Trudeau’s poster at the CRDH 2023 annual conference

Florence Tsakpinoglou’s doctoral thesis defense in winter 2023

Presentation of Laetitia Gendron’s poster at AQPS 2022

LEPSIS presents its laboratory members for 2022-2023

🔹Director : Marie-Hélène Véronneau 
🔹Coordination : Eva Lefebvre, Quessia Sindayigaya et Zakaria Idrissi 
🔹Postdoctorate : Ibtissem Ben Alaya William Gilbert et Marie-Pier Petit 
🔹Doctorate : Yovanna Chacon, Catherine Cimon-Paquet, Évelyne Gauthier, Florence Tsakpinoglou et Sasha Voyer. 
🔹Honour thesis : Laetitia Gendron et Catherine Plante Gonthier. 
🔹Observation workshop : Louis Lebeau et Andrea Villaburu 
🔹Research support : Evelyne Montminy Jimena Nieto, Laurence Trudeau
🔹Research intern : Camille Jutras Dupont 
Events at which lab data was presented at SQRP 2022
Events at which lab data was presented at SQRP 2022
Lab member Evelyne Montminy at the SQRP 2022 conference

Lab members Eva Lefebvre and Évelyne Montminy at the SQRP 2022 conference

LÉPSIS team photo, 2019

LÉPSIS members at the 41st SQRP convention, 2019

Marie-Hélène Véronneau gives a talk during the Faculty Excellence Awards evening.

LÉPSIS members at the Centre de recherche en développement humain conference, 2019.

Congratulations to Marie-Hélène Véronneau, who has been awarded the “Young Researcher” prize for excellence in research by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The award was presented at the “Les sciences humaines en tête et en fête” evening on November 27. From left to right, Josée Lafond (Dean, FSH), Marie-Hélène Véronneau and Jean-Philippe Waaub (Vice-Dean, Research, FSH).

Photo credit: David Ospina.

The members of LÉPSIS wish you a happy spring!

Alexandra Oliveira Paiva présente « Buffering the impacts of low emotional competence : Friendship satisfaction and parental warmth as moderators of the connexion between adolescents’ peer difficulties and depressive symptoms » au congrès Development 2018.

Florence Tsakpinoglou and Marie-Hélène Véronneau in front of Florence’s poster entitled “Rule-breaking and affective disorders in adolescents: The moderating effect of gender” at the Development 2018 conference.

Members of the Emotional Competence Team, affiliated with Concordia and UQAM universities, who attended the team’s symposium at Development 2018.

Olivier Gaudet presenting his study at the poster session of the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP) convention in Quebec City, 2018.

Olivier and Marie-Hélène in front of Olivier’s poster at the poster session of the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP) convention in Quebec City, 2018.

It’s never too early to start attending scientific conferences!

Photo taken at the Society for Prevention Research annual conference in San Francisco, 2017. Marie-Hélène’s last day as president of the Early Career Preventionists Network.
Sarah Lindstrom Johnson (left), Jessica Cance (center), Marie-Hélène Véronneau (right)

Rhea Marshall-Denton, Alexandra Oliveira Paiva and Marie-Claire Vaillancourt at the Society for Prevention Research conference in San Francisco, 2017.

Marie-Claire Vaillancourt at the Society for Prevention Research à San Francisco Meeting, 2017. She presents her poster entitled « The influence of the perceived school climate on adolescents’ academic achievement : Testing the mediating role of intrinsic school motivation ».

Olivier Gaudet, Marie-Pier Dupré, Rhéa Marshall-Denton, Alexandra Oliveira Paiva and Marie-Claire Vaillancourt at the Society for Prevention Research conference in San Francisco, 2017. They are determined participants in the Scavenger Hunt organized by the Early Career Preventionists Network.

Marie-Hélène Véronneau and Olivier Gaudet at the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie convention in Montreal, 2017. Olivier presents his poster entitled “Can adolescents’ social status and that of their friends influence their self-esteem?”

Alexandra Oliveira Paiva at the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie convention in Montreal, 2017. There, she presents her poster “Do parents and friends protect at-risk adolescents from depression?”

Marie-Claire Vaillancourt and Olivier Gaudet following their oral presentation at the Société Québécoise pour le Recherche en Psychologie convention, 2016. Their presentation is entitled “Belonging to a clique or a friendly dyad as protective variables for the impact of school performance on adolescents’ self-esteem”.

Marie-Claire Vaillancourt and Rhea Marshall-Denton at the Society for Prevention Research à Washington (DC) Meeting, 2015. They presented their poster entitled « Best friends’ drinking behavior in middle school : Moderator of the influence of peer group norms on young adolescent substance use ».

Marie-Claire Vaillancourt at the Society for Prevention Research à Washington (DC) Meeting, 2015. She presented her poster entitled «Friends’ deviancy and academic adjustments: Predictors and consequences on early adolescents’ academic adjustment and behavior».

Sophie-Caroline Tempe and Vanessa Blanchette-Luong at the Society for Prevention Research à Washington (DC) Meeting, 2015. They presented their poster entitled «The influence of deviant friends on adolescent behavior: Testing the role of parental control».